Information will be updated as it becomes available.
- Latest News (scroll down)
- COVID-19 Information and Facts
- President’s COVID-19 Guidelines
- Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) – Coronavirus Resource Page
- American Horse Council – Coronavirus Resource Page
- Federal Government Information
- Internal Revenue Service
- Small Business Administration (SBA) – Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EID Loans)
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – Keep America Connected – Phone and Internet Service
- State Government Information (alphabetical by state)
- Horsemen’s Association Information (alphabetical by state)
Latest News
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Maryland Racing Commission approves date request from Casino at Ocean Downs
Meadowlands qualifiers set for Saturday, live racing scheduled for June 5
Update from the SBOANJ on return to racing
Qualifying races in New Jersey to begin Friday (May 29)
New York State releases racing activities guidelines
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Meadowlands requests to qualify
Qualifiers on Friday and Saturday (May 29-30) at Springfield, IL
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Opening night card set at Northfield Park
Woodbine Mohawk Park releases protocols for racing operations
Qualifiers at Delaware on May 28
Monday, May 25, 2020
Tioga and Vernon racing information released
Woodbine releases new dates for Standardbred stakes
Ontario Racing announces revised stakes schedules
Friday, May 22, 2020
Delaware Standardbred Breeders Fund races at Harrington delayed one week
New York Sire Stakes update on 2020 season
NY Gaming Commission considering amendment on qualifying requirement
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Ohio Sires Stakes revised 2020 schedule
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
NJ Assemblyman Ron Dancer’s resolution emphasizes the need to safely reopen The Meadowlands
Racing set to begin at Harrington on June 15 contingent on state approval
Call to action for Running Aces trainers
Backstretch opens – June 1. Qualifiers – June 10, 13, 15 and 17.
Live Racing – June 20 (pending MRC approval)
Friday, May 15, 2020
Scioto Downs set to hold 14 qualifiers Saturday, May 16 in preparation for May 22 open
Warren County (OH) Fairgrounds to hold qualifying races May 21
IHHA awaits response from IL Governor Pritzker on proposal to resume racing
MSOA responds to PA Gov. Wolf: Speed up our reopening timeline
Free Antibody tests for NYRA (Thoroughbred) employees and backstretch workers
Pompano Park held 13 qualifiers on May 14 ‘without a hitch’
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Double draw for qualifiers at Northfield Friday morning (May 15)
MGM Northfield Park to resume live racing without spectators on May 26
Woodbine Mohawk Park in Ontario to open June 5
Ohio is cleared to start live racing on May 22
Eldorado Scioto Downs – May 22 (qualifiers – May 16)
MGM Northfield Park – May 26 (qualifiers – May 18)
Qualifying Races at Delaware, Ohio on May 19 and 20
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Harrah’s Hoosier Park Announces June 16 Opening Date for 2020 Race Meet Pending IHRC Approval
Ohio is one step closer to resumption of racing
Update on status of racing in Illinois
Pennsylvania Governor Wolf delays resumption of racing
Woodbine’s Lawson hopes WEG tracks will reopen in June
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
OHHA Update – Ohio State Racing Commission to consider “spectator-less racing” plan
Monday, May 11, 2020
SBOANJ continues to work towards a return to racing in New Jersey
Tioga and Vernon Downs Update
Indiana Phased Approach for resumption of racing with target date of June 14
Indiana Governor Holcomb has outlined a five-stage phase-in from present to July 4 for businesses to re-open. The Indiana Horse Racing Commission and racetrack management have been working in conjunction with the governor’s office to confirm where horse racing falls. The governor’s timeline includes a May 11 date for in-state horses to move on to backstretches, May 24 date for out-of-state horses to enter backstretches and the tentative date of June 14 to resume pari-mutuel racing without spectators. The target to allow fans to attend the races is July 4.
The IHRC noted that this schedule is subject to change at any time as new information becomes available.
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application Process Resumes for Breeding Farms
(May 5, 2020) The Small Business Administration (SBA) has reopened the application process for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)-COVID-19 related assistance program after a short delay. Farms with fewer than 500 employees whose primary activity is breeding horses may now apply for these loans offered to businesses that have suffered economic hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
NTRA Summary of Benefits to Horse Owners Under New Federal COVID-19 Legislation
Harness Racing Track and State Updates
NJ Governor Murphy extends public health emergency for 30 days (May 6, 2020)
Governor Phil Murphy today (May 6) signed Executive Order No. 138 which extends the Public Health Emergency. Under the Emergency Health Powers Act, a declared public health emergency expires after 30 days unless renewed.
NJ (Meadowlands) and NY (Tioga and Vernon Downs)
(May 6) The Record (Bergen County) reports that racing in NJ is in “limbo.” Jeff Gural also updates status of racing at Tioga and Vernon Downs in New York.
Canada’s Red Shores to resume racing on June 4 without spectators
Red Shores Racetrack & Casino at the Charlottetown Driving Park on Prince Edward Island in Canada will resume hosting live harness racing, but without on-track customers, on Thursday, June 4. To read more, click here.
Latest Stories involving plans for resumption of racing in different states
California – Golden Gate Fields tentative approval to resume racing on May 14
Golden Gate Fields received provisional approval from the Alameda (Calif.) County public health officer on Wednesday to resume racing May 14, seven weeks after the track was deemed a nonessential business due to the coronavirus outbreak.
(Daily Racing Form)
Louisiana – Charlestown to resume racing May 14 and Mountaineer Park on May 31
Louisiana – Louisiana Downs racing to resume on June 6
Other states’ news without definitive dates for reopening
New York (NYRA)
Small Business Administration’s New Guidance includes racetrack and horse owners for PPP Loans
On Friday, April 24, the Small Business Administration issued new guidance clarifying that racetracks and small entities such as horse ownership entities are eligible for loans under the Paycheck Protection Loan Program. For more information…Click here.NTRA partner Dean Dorton, one of the nation’s leading experts on equine tax matters, has posted an update on its COVID-19 microsite at that outlines all of these new provisions that will positively impact horse racing and breeding.
Guidelines on How to Conduct Racing Safely –
The Thoroughbred’s National HBPA — using effective policies in place at Gulfstream Park, Oaklawn Park, Tampa Bay Downs and in consultation with other authorities — has assembled a list of best practices to encourage the industry to get back up and running.
IRS – Stimulus Payment Tracking Page –
COVID-19 Information and Facts
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) –
President’s COVID-19 Guidelines –
Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) – Coronavirus Resource Page
The Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) published a Coronavirus resource page on its website featuring items to help horse owners navigate this disease pandemic.
American Horse Council – Coronavirus Resource Page
The AHC website has a dedicated tab for COVID-19 information including: COVID-19 Info for Humans and Horses; Safety Net Programs for Owners; Biosecurity and Disinfecting Protocols; Financial Relief Options; and Planning for Horse Care.
In addition, there is a State Specific Resources Page that includes: 1) Unemployment Information and 2) State Specific COVID-19 Information for each individual state.
National Public Radio
NPR has compiled a concise summary of the emergency federal legislation.
Federal Government Information
National Public Radio’s (NPR) summary of federal legislation (media) –
Text of Senate Bill – S3548 –
(hundreds of pages)
Summary of the 3 Phases of COVID-19 Legislation (Prepared by USTA Lobbyists – The Ingram Group)
Congressional leaders reached a deal to pass a nearly $2 trillion “stimulus” package. This legislation represents “Phase 3” of the legislative response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below, is an outline all three pieces of legislation starting with the most recent, being Phase 3. Many of these provisions may be of interest to you or your individual affiliate members which are small businesses.
There is already talk of a “Phase 4” bill but it is likely several weeks away.
It is highly recommended that you should check with your accounting professional for tax provisions.
The “Phase 3”- The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES”)
Phase 3, the CARES Act, will inject approximately $2T into the economy, providing tax rebates, expanded unemployment benefits, and a slew of business tax-relief provisions aimed at providing direct relief for individuals, families, and businesses.
Title 1: Small business interruption loans
Provides 8 weeks of 100 percent federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this emergency. If employers maintain their payrolls, the portion of the loan used to cover payroll costs, mortgage interest, rent, and utilities would be forgiven.
To qualify businesses must employee 500 people or fewer or meet the applicable Small Business Administration (SBA) size standard for the industry. Also, most self-employed individuals and nonprofits qualify. The loan is capped at the lower of 250% of the employer’s average monthly payroll or $10 million. The link is
Authorizes $25 million for SBA to provide grants to associations representing resource partners to establish an online platform that consolidates resources across multiple Federal agencies and a training program to educate small business counselors on those resources to ensure counselors are directing small businesses appropriately.
Expands eligibility for entities suffering economic harm due to COVID-19 to access SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), while also giving SBA more flexibility to process and disperse small dollar loans. The bill would allow businesses that apply for an EIDL expedited access to capital through an Emergency Grant—an advance of $10,000 within three days to maintain payroll, provide paid sick leave, and to service other debt obligations.
Title 2: Unemployment Insurance Provisions:
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released a Fact Sheet for employers as well as a model notice employers may use to notify employees about these laws. The DOL is expected to issue regulations in April 2020.
Individual Provisions:
Recovery Checks: $1,200 to individual Americans making less than $75,000 annually, and $2,400 for eligible married couples making less than $150,000 combined, with an additional $500 for every child. The amount would be reduced by $5 for every $100 that a person earns over $75,000, so Americans earning more than $99,000 will get nothing. Income levels, marital status, and number of children would be based on 2019 tax returns, if filed, or their 2018 return as an alternative.
Special rules for use of retirement funds: Allows the withdrawal of $100,000 from retirement accounts to pay for coronavirus-related purposes without the 10% early withdrawal penalty.
Tax Filing Deadline Delay/ Extension: The April 15 deadline for filing federal income tax returns and making payments is extended to July 15, 2020.
Charitable contributions: Corporations may deduct up to 25% of taxable income for charitable contributions in 2020, and there is no cap on individuals.
Student Loans: President Trump has suspended federally-held student loan payments for 60 days with no penalty. Employers can provide student loan repayment benefits to employees on a tax-free basis, up to $5,250.
Business Provisions:
Employee retention credit for employers: Employers subject to closure or partially suspended operations can qualify for a refundable payroll tax credit for 50% of wages paid to employees from March 13, 2020 through December 31, 2020. To qualify, a business must have been partially or fully suspended due to a local COVID-19 shut-down order or have had gross receipts decline by more than 50% from the same quarter last year. The credit is capped at $10,000 per employee, including health benefits. For employers with fewer than 100 employees, all employees count toward the credit, but for employers with more than 100 employees, only those not working because of the COVID-19 crisis count.
Delay of payment of employer payroll taxes: Payroll taxes may be deferred with half due by December 31, 2021 and the other half due by December 31, 2022.
Modifications for net operating losses (NOLs): NOLs for the last three years can be carried back five years on amended prior years’ tax returns. Pass-through entities may also take advantage of this provision.
Modification of limitation on business interest: Changes the amount businesses are allowed to deduct on their tax returns from 30% to 50% for 2019 and 2020.
Qualified improvement property: Allows businesses, especially in the hospitality industry, to immediately write off the cost of improving a facility instead of having to depreciate it over the 39-year life of the building.
“Phase 2”- H.R. 6201, The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Among its many provisions, this $104 billion bill guarantees free coronavirus testing, provides emergency paid leave, and strengthens food security initiatives across a broad range of additional investments, including ensuring that children who depend on free and reduced-priced meals have access to food during school and childcare closures. H.R. 6201 also provides businesses with tax credits for qualified sick and family leave wages paid to employees.
Paid Sick Leave
Emergency paid leave requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to give 14 days off (two weeks) at the employee’s regular pay if employee gets COVID-19, is subject to a federal, state, or local quarantine related to COVID-19, or has been advised by a healthcare provider to self-quarantine to due COVID-19 concerns. The amount of paid sick leave per employee is limited to $511 per day and $5,110 total. The Act also requires employers to provide employees with 14 days off at two-thirds the employee’s regular pay to care for someone in quarantine or care for a child whose school is closed because of coronavirus precautions.
Paid Family Leave
Employees qualify for paid family leave if they are unable to work due to a need to care for a child whose school or place of care has closed because of a “public health emergency.” The first ten days of family leave may be unpaid, but after the first ten days, employers must provide employees with no less than two-thirds of an individual’s average monthly earnings for at least 30 days with 12 weeks of job-protected leave.
Exemptions and Tax Credits
There are exemptions for employers of 50 or fewer. Employers are entitled to a refundable tax credit equal to 100% of qualified sick leave wages paid each calendar quarter to cover the costs. H.R. 6201 also provides for refundable tax credits against the self-employment tax.
“Phase 1”- H.R.6074, the Coronavirus Supplemental
This first bill provided the initial $8.3 billion in emergency funding for federal agencies to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. H.R. 6074 was signed by POTUS and became law on March 6, 2020. A title-by-title summary is available here, and bill text here.
Internal Revenue Service –
Treasury, IRS and Labor announced a plan to implement Coronavirus-related paid leave for workers and tax credits for small and midsize businesses to swiftly recover the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave .
U.S. Small Business Administration – Economic Injury Disaster Loans –
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has made Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EID Loan) available for qualifying businesses that have suffered economic injury as a result of the epidemic. Funds from an EID loan may be used by small businesses to pay fixed debts , payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. The terms of an EID loan are determined by the SBA on a case-by-case basis.
U.S. Postal Service – Service Alerts website
For the latest updates on U.S. Postal Service operations, visit the USPS – Service Alerts website.
FCC – Keep America Connected – Phone and Internet Services
Keep Americans Connected Pledge –
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the FCC has announced the Keep Americans Connected Initiative to ensure that Americans do not lose their broadband or telephone connectivity. So far, more than 550 companies and associations have signed the pledge to Keep Americans Connected. See the list on their website.
The pledge:
- Not to terminate service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic’
- Waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances pandemic;
- Open its Wi-Fi hotspots to any American who needs them.
State Government Information (alphabetical by state)
State – Small Business Information and Websites:
Delaware –
Indiana –
Florida – (media). www.FloridaDisaster.BIZ – Application period ends May 8.
Maryland – (media) with link to federal SBA website.
New Jersey –
New York –
Ohio –
Pennsylvania –
Rent Eviction and Utility Shutoff Information by State and Municipalities
A detailed list of state and municipal, as well as federal, information on moratoriums on rent evictions and utility shutoffs.
Horsemen’s Association Information (alphabetical by state)
California – California Harness Horsemen’s Association –
Phone – 916-263-7888
Fax – 916-263-7887
Address – P.O. Box 254767 Sacramento, CA 95865-4767
Location – Cal-Expo Fairgrounds inside gate 12
Delaware – Delaware SOA – (See homepage for COVID-19 Updates)
830 Walker Road, Dover, DE 19904, USA
Phone: 302-678-3058
The Delaware Standardbred Owners Association (D.S.O.A.) has been working to help our harness racing community during this Covid-19 pandemic while our racing has been suspended. We are happy to announce that Delaware Harness Racing Commission approved a plan on March 31, 2020 to distribute purses from the final two weeks of the Dover Downs meet that were not contested. Please see the following correspondence from D.S.O.A. Executive Director Sal DiMario for details.
Members of the Delaware Harness Racing Community:
On behalf of the Directors of D.S.O.A. I am pleased to inform you that the Delaware Harness Racing Commission approved the revenue distribution plan submitted by D.S.O.A. and Dover Downs to distribute purse money for the final two weeks of the shortened 2019-2020 Dover Downs scheduled meet.
Separate weekly direct deposits will be made this week and next week; you will receive email notifications from Dover Downs prior to receiving the deposit as usual. The plan that was approved complied with all relevant Delaware statutes that govern how purse money may be used.
A six-week “look back” period was employed, February 3rd to March 16th, 2020; every “owner entity” (owners and partnerships) that raced a minimum of two starts during that period were included; every owner entity’s starts were totaled and then divided by six (six weeks) to get that entity’s weekly “per start average”, that P.S.A. was then multiplied by the “purse payment per start amount”, which is the total purses paid for each week (total purses minus 5% trainers and driver fees) divided by the total number of owner entities. The trainers and drivers’ fees were calculated the same way.
Example: ABC partnership had 18 total starts for a per start weekly average of 3 which was multiplied by the “purse payment per start amount”.
18 6 = 3 X p.p.s.a. = amount you will receive.
I wish to extend D.S.O.A.’s thanks to John Hensley and Dover Downs for their assistance and cooperation. I want to express D.S.O.A.’s gratitude to Secretary of Agriculture Michael Scuse for his leadership and hard work on this entire project, we could not have done it without him as he was the liaison between all the stakeholders including the Governor’s office. And finally, I want to thank the Delaware Harness Racing Commission for their prompt action reviewing and approving this plan.
I also want to thank the Board of D.S.O.A. Directors for their tireless dedication to the horsemen and women they work hard to represent. I also thank you, the members of the racing community, for your patience and cooperation, we will get through this one day at a time.
Salvatore DiMario
Executive Director
In addition, the D.S.O.A. is also in early discussions with the Department of Agriculture regarding a possible “interest free loan program” similar to the one the Governor’s Administration recently approved for the restaurant and hospitality industry. This is in the early stages and will require further discussion, but it is being pursued.
As the Harrington Raceway meet approaches the D.S.O.A. will keep you updated on the status of the 2020 Spring Meet. Please go to the D.S.O.A. website at and the Facebook page at for ongoing updates on Covid-19 issues surrounding our Delaware racing community.
Thank you to the horsemen and women of Delaware for their patience and know that the D.S.O.A. is working to find every possible solution to help our racing community.
For additional and updated information:
The Delaware Standardbred Owners Association, who serves Delaware horsemen and women, will utilize their website, Facebook page (Delaware Standardbred Owners Association) and weekly television/internet show “Post Time” with host Heather Vitale to communicate with members. Post Time airs on WBOC-TV on Sunday mornings at 11:30 a.m. EST. Show archives can be found on PostTimeShow YouTube channel.
Florida – Florida SBOA –
1800 SW 3rd Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Phone: 954.972.5400
Iowa – Iowa Harness Horse Association –
Phone: 641-430-4662
Illinois – Illinois Harness Horsemen’s Association –
IHHA – COVID-19 Updates
15 Spinning Wheel Road, Suite 432
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: 630-323-0808
Toll Free (IL): 800-572-0213
Executive Director – Email Tony
Membership/Questions – Email Freda
Be Smart, Be Safe
April 3, 2020
During these extremely difficult times, the IHHA wants to encourage anyone who needs a helping hand, to reach out to us. We understand that horsemen are an incredibly resilient group but we are also aware that we are living through a truly unique situation. If you or your family or your horses are in dire straits and have nowhere to turn to, please don’t hesitate to call the IHHA office at 630-323-0808 and leave a message on how we can contact you. We will keep this as confidential as possible. You can also reach out to Clark Fairley at 217-276-1118, Angie Coleman at 312-287-4613, Hosea Williams at 312- 909-5043, John Zawistowski at 815-530-3465, Craig Grummel at 618-541-1205, Steve Searle at 815-685-0249, Merv Chupp at 708-205-3670 or any other IHHA director that you may know. Be smart and be safe.
Indiana – Indiana Standardbred Association –
311 American Legion Place, Greenfield, IN 46140
Toll Free: 800/565-5725
Local: 317/462-6616
ISA – “Loans available through SBA”
ISA – “Additional medical assistance for ISA members”
Kentucky – Kentucky Harness Horsemen’s Association –
(859) 585-0505
1700 Alexandria Dr #4, Lexington, KY 40504, USA
State of Kentucky website COVID-19 information page –
Kentucky Department of Agriculture COVID-19 information page –
Maine – Maine Harness Horsemen’s Association – (See home page for COVID-19 updates)
MHHA – Maine COVID-19 Maine Information
PO Box 436
Augusta, ME 04332
185 State Street
Augusta, ME 04332
Telephone: 207-623-6442
Fax: Fax: 207-623-6444
Maryland – Cloverleaf Standardbred Owners’ Association –
CSOA – COVID-19 Resources
Cloverleaf Standardbred Owners’ Association
Office Location: Rosecroft Raceway
6336 Rosecroft Drive
Fort Washington, MD 20744
Mailing Location: P.O. Box 156
Temple Hills, MD 20748
301-567-9638 – Fax
Resources Available to Horsemen
Cloverleaf SOA is working diligently at this time to look at as many options as we can to provide resources to Cloverleaf SOA members. We will be sending out updates as various resources become available.
One of our challenges at this time is each and every one of our members have set their businesses up differently. While some of you run your business like a small business with payroll and taxes taken out, others hire grooms as independent contractors and all involved are self-employed. As we find resources that look to help in some way, we will pass them along.
Massachusetts – SOA of Massachusetts – (See homepage for COVID-19 updates)
MA Department of Agricultural Resources financial information for farm labor – click here.
List of Resources – COVID-19 – Bridge Magazine (April 3, 2020)
Bridge Magazine has put together (and continues to edit/add) a list of resources available to help Michiganders through this difficult time. If you, or someone you know, are in need of help as we work together to get through this crisis please click this link.
New Jersey – SBOA of New Jersey –
64 Business Route 33
Manalapan, NJ 07726
Phone: 732-462-2357
Fax: 732-409-0741
NJ Governor Murphy extends public health emergency for 30 days (May 6, 2020)
Governor Phil Murphy today (May 6) signed Executive Order No. 138 which extends the Public Health Emergency. Under the Emergency Health Powers Act, a declared public health emergency expires after 30 days unless renewed.
(April 3, 2020) – First and foremost the SBOANJ hope’s this communication finds you and your family safe and healthy. These are very scary and confusing times that we are currently living in but we want you to know that we are trying to supply you with up-to-date information as soon as it becomes available.
There are currently two SBA programs that we feel are important to our members and you should consider applying for within the next few days.
The first one is The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – for an explanation and overview
Small business and sole proprietorship – Accepting applications as of Friday, April 3, 2020. Click here for the application
Independent contractors and self-employed individuals – Accepting applications as of Friday, April 10, 2020
* Up to $10 million
* Up to 8 weeks of payroll (2.5x monthly)
* Employee Benefits
* State and Local taxes on compensation
* No Personal Guarantees
* Loan maybe forgiven
* PPP Fact Sheet ––Fact-Sheet.pdf
The second one is the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) –
* Applications Link –
* Directly through the SBA
* Up to $2 million
* CARES Act also includes up to $10,000 immediate grant
* Use for Working capital
* Requires personal Guarantee
In addition, the Federal Assistance programs individual state programs have been established. These additional stimulus programs fall under State Economic Development Grants. The scope of businesses covered by these programs is limited so they will not apply to all businesses.
Our recommendation:
Call your banker about PPP today and see if they process SBA loans. If so complete the application and submit it immediately. Some banks are not registered to handle SBA loans but contact us and we can help direct you to one that does.
Apply for EIDL today – It is easy takes 10 minutes. You can decide whether you want the funding based upon terms and amounts.
SBOA of NJ – Employee Acquisition Assistance
If you are in a position where you are shorthanded and need help during this critical time, the SBOANJ would like to help you.
Please contact us at or call 732-462-2357 to let us know what type of employees you are in search of. We will gladly post positions needed on our website with any contact information you would like to give and help you get the word out.
New York –
New York State COVID-19 Tracker Website – NYS Tracker
04-04-20 NYSGC Williams regarding racing operations
HHA of Central New York
Saratoga Harness Horsemen’s Association –
SOA of New York –
SOA of NY mails out checks to grooms –
SOA of New York Grants for Grooms –
SOA of NY issues important health insurance information –
SOA of NY issues important information for horsemen –
NY State Gaming Commission Executive Director Robert Williams Memo on Continuation of Racetrack Operations.
(April 2) Whether a racetrack remains open for training and barns remain open for stabling is a determination to be made by each racetrack and its horsemen’s organization. However, should a racetrack or barn area remain open there are certain standards that must be maintained. To see standards and complete memo, click on 04-04-20 NYSGC Williams regarding racing operations
Western New York HHA –
Ohio – Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association –
Visit the OHHA COVID-19 Webpage for all Ohio updates.
The OHHA will provide updates regarding Ohio Racing during the coronovirus crisis throughout the state and nation on all media outlets.
For immediate updates, subscribe to the O.H.H.A. Text Blast Service: Text OHHA to 1-888-808-1507 for Ohio’s standardbred industry updates and emergency messages.
For the most up-to-date information on Coronavirus in Ohio, please see:
OHHA discount feed program
Meadows Standardbred Owners Association –
MSOA Important COVID-19 Information Page
Pennsylvania Harness Horsemen’s Association –
PHHA – COVID-19 Resource Center
PHHA Partner Tracks
The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono Updates:
Harrah’s Philadelphia Updates:
Luzerne County (Pocono):
Delaware County (Harrah’s):
Virginia – Virginia Harness Horsemen’s Association –
c/o Debbie Warnick
P.O. Box 1603
Saluda Virginia 23149
Phone: 443-463-0917
E-mail Address:
Fax: 804-655-6161
Wisconsin – Wisconsin Harness Horsemen’s Association –